How styling works?
Bevy's default approach to UI development requires writing Rust code for styling, which can quickly become verbose and repetitive. Famiq introduces a way to define styles using JSON file, making UI development in Bevy more accessible and efficient.
Key Features
- JSON-based Styling: Write styles in a familiar, CSS-like JSON format.
- Automatic Parsing: JSON styles are parsed into Bevy's native style format.
- Reduced Boilerplate: Eliminate repetitive Rust code for UI styling.
- Hot-Reload: Any changes made to json file will be reflected to the running app without needing to re-compile the app.
Normal Bevy UI styles.
Node {
border: UiRect::all(Val::Px(3.0)),
padding: UiRect {
left: Val::Px(5.0),
right: Val::Px(5.0),
top: Val::Px(10.0),
bottom: Val::Px(10.0)
margin: UiRect::All(Val::Auto),
width: Val::Percent(100.0),
BorderColor(Color::srgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3)),
With Famiq, you can simply give widget an id or classes, then write styles in json file.
"#my-widget-id": {
"padding": "5px 5px 10px 10px",
"border": "3px 3px 3px 3px",
"border_color": "srgba 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3",
"border_radius": "5px 5px 5px 5px",
"width": "100%",
"margin": "auto auto auto auto"
Supported & Unsupported styles
grid_template_rows: Vec<RepeatedGridTrack>
grid_template_columns: Vec<RepeatedGridTrack>
grid_auto_rows: Vec<GridTrack>
grid_auto_columns: Vec<GridTrack>
grid_row: GridPlacement
grid_column: GridPlacement
color: Color // can be used for fa_text & TextBundle only
font_size: f32 // can be used for fa_text & TextBundle only
background_color: BackgroundColor
border_color: BorderColor
border_radius: BorderRadius
visibility: Visibility
z_index: ZIndex
display: Display
position_type: PositionType
overflow: Overflow
direction: Direction
left: Val
right: Val
top: Val
bottom: Val
width: Val
height: Val
min_width: Val
min_height: Val
max_width: Val
max_height: Val
aspect_ratio: Option<f32>
align_items: AlignItems
justify_items: JustifyItems
align_self: AlignSelf
justify_self: JustifySelf
align_content: AlignContent
justify_content: JustifyContent
margin: UiRect
padding: UiRect
border: UiRect
flex_direction: FlexDirection
flex_wrap: FlexWrap
flex_grow: f32
flex_shrink: f32
flex_basis: Val
row_gap: Val
column_gap: Val
grid_auto_flow: GridAutoFlow
Supported Val enum
Val {
Supported Color enum
Color {